Monday, August 31, 2015

New day - New Beginning?

So Tomorrow marks the 1st of Sept. Since today is all eat day and cheat day and food day and
everything else I can think of as an excuse, my resolution is that I will start from tomorrow. New day new show. I aim to lose at least 4 kgs (if not more) by the 30th of Sept. Knowing me I'm scared this isn't all talk !

Anyway come tomorrow the new me has to begin! The aim is to eat healthy and start with light exercises! Walk Walk walk! And kiss all that sugar good bye. I have had sooo many people give me tips on how to reduce and what to eat and what to avoid but I will do it somehow!

My foodie process will be to eat all vegetables and fruits, no sugar and carbonated drinks. NO juices and NO detox stuff. simple me and healthy me. I really do wonder if detox really works, because whenever I've tried it all I have ended up doing is eating more and more. So lets see what tomorrow brings!

#flufflessays #fluffles #fatme #sadfat 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Weekend dilemma! :D

The weekend came and went in a blur. A blur of food that is! So Saturday started with me having tea
and a granola bar! Went out with a friend's family and ended up having a large cup of yummiiness in the form of orange juice! Come evening with friends in the house had a Kebab and ending up booming the night with a white bread sandwich with the works! Literally the works! chicken Mayo, two kebabs, 2 cheese slices and butter. All those carbs, all that fat, but yummy :(. So lesson of the day: food that is yummy IS going to be fattening!

Sunday was more food in my tummy! Started with Kellogg's special cereal with Nesvita milk, then came the apple cause hunger pangs gnawed at my tummy in a really major way. Since the apple didn't help much I ended up having a granola bar with loads a peanut butter followed by (again) a white bread sandwich that had dollops of peanut butter and butter in it. Definitely shit loads of carbs for sure!

Since we had gone for a movie i had a few pieces of popcorn with a dinner of three and a half seekh kebabs and two malai botis at the B.B.Q. Tonight!
The ultimate finale was a chana chaat mixture with Wavy's bbq flavor crisps on top! sigghhhh. I think I need hypnosis not to stop eating all that fat! :(

The weekend binge!
#sadfat #flufflessays #fluffles

Friday, August 28, 2015

Me and the FAILED HCG Diet !!

Beginning of this year ... 29th Jan 2015 to be exact I went on the famous HCG Diet. I spent a good amount and underwent this treatment for about 40 days (6 weeks). During this time I was only allowed to have about 500 calories and got injected with the HCG liquid (1.25 msg in a syringe injected either on the butt or the thigh) everyday.
Since the injection makes you curb your hunger I was never really hungry but if I got a hunger pang I'd end up eating an apple or a cup of black coffee. Lunching during this time comprised of 4 small chicken pieces and some lettuce or cabbage but that was it. Nothing more nothing less. During this time I lost a grand total of 20 kgs in exactly 2 months. That is from a total of a 100 kgs I dropped to a total of 80 kgs. Then disaster stuck. 

During April the doctor put me off the injections for 6 weeks and added on to the diet with the fact that now I could consume about 1000 calories a day. Well low and behold, I started eating from May 5th, 2015 (I remember this well as it was my nephew's birthday at McDonald's) and haven't stopped since. Currently it's the end of August. I have gained back 15 kgs something that I am so NOT proud off. I feel like I wasted the money on something that I could have done in a healthier more reliable manner. 

Plus people kept telling me that HCG has no side effects. I'm sure it doesn't since I'm not a doctor, but I think it has given me side effects. My cycle is haywire and I'm 24/7 hungry. My hormones where already messed up but I feel now they are further screwed. 

So here's to me. I want to reduce yes, but I want to do it with my own willpower (whatever 0% that I have) and proper eating habits.

Day 1: The beginning ... or the end?

So the day begins, as early as it can with me eating 7 prawn balls. So much for healthy food. I had some left over dinner with me that I out of sheer greediness was taking to work but half way there decided to give it away. So the extra calories are now out of the way till lunch time arrives. Lets see how long my willpower lasts (after all it di
d me no good in the morning with the prawn balls). 

Come 11:00 am and the hunger pang strikes so tried being a good girl and had an apple with some regular tea (my mind is thinking of more entertaining forms of food like cookies or Nimco but trying to shut it up so that I can continue with more positive thoughts of a healthy diet)! This dose was also followed by some black coffee and later luke warm water cause apparently warm water aids in melting fat (and I have quite a collection of it!!) 

Its 1:30 pm now and my hunger pangs are growing by the dozen! I'm have kali Daal with onions and cucumber, Kali Daal is basically black lentils, and I'm trying to devour that on the table but trust me motivation to eat that is zilch! sighhhh. Will keep trying though food is food right? (unhappy me!)
As the day passes in a period of 2 hours I went with friends for lunch. Shame on me. As I said zero willpower just kicked in and I have ended up having daal (yellow lentils), anda gotala (some egg thing swimming in oil) and chana (chickpeas swimming in oil) with 3 chappatis. 

My only consolation that I can give to my self is that I won't have dinner (yea right! But then there's always hope ...) 

Signing out for the day! 
*The still fatty me* 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let the Games Begin !

Everyone has health blogs. People write about all the healthy food and exercise that they have either done or have heard people do but rarely do people share the sheer misery that they face during the time they are actually trying to reduce. 
So here goes, I know I'm not the first to make a blog based on my weight woes but why not be a part of the trend and talk about my progress and downfalls as I try to lose all this beauty that I have grown in the shape of Fat. Or rather as my friend calls it, its the tale of how I'm planning to lose my best friend who has become so much a part of me that I fear after a while she will take over my identity. 
Anyway starting today I hope to share a record of the stuff I eat, exercise or any other healthy stuff I do. The aim is to help other out their like me who feel that even though they really should lose weight for themselves, the love of food is just to great. 
Currently I am 95 kgs and I'm 5'4. My aim is that by the end of the year I should be at least 75 to 77 kgs. I don't hope to do any crash diets or extreme hunger strikes. Specially since this amount is not that much (or maybe it is, but like I said I have no idea what the right sort of diet it). 

So here's wishing myself luck and all the very best for my transition from fluffles to a Skinny binny. 

Marked Day 1