Friday, August 28, 2015

Me and the FAILED HCG Diet !!

Beginning of this year ... 29th Jan 2015 to be exact I went on the famous HCG Diet. I spent a good amount and underwent this treatment for about 40 days (6 weeks). During this time I was only allowed to have about 500 calories and got injected with the HCG liquid (1.25 msg in a syringe injected either on the butt or the thigh) everyday.
Since the injection makes you curb your hunger I was never really hungry but if I got a hunger pang I'd end up eating an apple or a cup of black coffee. Lunching during this time comprised of 4 small chicken pieces and some lettuce or cabbage but that was it. Nothing more nothing less. During this time I lost a grand total of 20 kgs in exactly 2 months. That is from a total of a 100 kgs I dropped to a total of 80 kgs. Then disaster stuck. 

During April the doctor put me off the injections for 6 weeks and added on to the diet with the fact that now I could consume about 1000 calories a day. Well low and behold, I started eating from May 5th, 2015 (I remember this well as it was my nephew's birthday at McDonald's) and haven't stopped since. Currently it's the end of August. I have gained back 15 kgs something that I am so NOT proud off. I feel like I wasted the money on something that I could have done in a healthier more reliable manner. 

Plus people kept telling me that HCG has no side effects. I'm sure it doesn't since I'm not a doctor, but I think it has given me side effects. My cycle is haywire and I'm 24/7 hungry. My hormones where already messed up but I feel now they are further screwed. 

So here's to me. I want to reduce yes, but I want to do it with my own willpower (whatever 0% that I have) and proper eating habits.

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