Friday, August 28, 2015

Day 1: The beginning ... or the end?

So the day begins, as early as it can with me eating 7 prawn balls. So much for healthy food. I had some left over dinner with me that I out of sheer greediness was taking to work but half way there decided to give it away. So the extra calories are now out of the way till lunch time arrives. Lets see how long my willpower lasts (after all it di
d me no good in the morning with the prawn balls). 

Come 11:00 am and the hunger pang strikes so tried being a good girl and had an apple with some regular tea (my mind is thinking of more entertaining forms of food like cookies or Nimco but trying to shut it up so that I can continue with more positive thoughts of a healthy diet)! This dose was also followed by some black coffee and later luke warm water cause apparently warm water aids in melting fat (and I have quite a collection of it!!) 

Its 1:30 pm now and my hunger pangs are growing by the dozen! I'm have kali Daal with onions and cucumber, Kali Daal is basically black lentils, and I'm trying to devour that on the table but trust me motivation to eat that is zilch! sighhhh. Will keep trying though food is food right? (unhappy me!)
As the day passes in a period of 2 hours I went with friends for lunch. Shame on me. As I said zero willpower just kicked in and I have ended up having daal (yellow lentils), anda gotala (some egg thing swimming in oil) and chana (chickpeas swimming in oil) with 3 chappatis. 

My only consolation that I can give to my self is that I won't have dinner (yea right! But then there's always hope ...) 

Signing out for the day! 
*The still fatty me* 

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