Thursday, August 27, 2015

Let the Games Begin !

Everyone has health blogs. People write about all the healthy food and exercise that they have either done or have heard people do but rarely do people share the sheer misery that they face during the time they are actually trying to reduce. 
So here goes, I know I'm not the first to make a blog based on my weight woes but why not be a part of the trend and talk about my progress and downfalls as I try to lose all this beauty that I have grown in the shape of Fat. Or rather as my friend calls it, its the tale of how I'm planning to lose my best friend who has become so much a part of me that I fear after a while she will take over my identity. 
Anyway starting today I hope to share a record of the stuff I eat, exercise or any other healthy stuff I do. The aim is to help other out their like me who feel that even though they really should lose weight for themselves, the love of food is just to great. 
Currently I am 95 kgs and I'm 5'4. My aim is that by the end of the year I should be at least 75 to 77 kgs. I don't hope to do any crash diets or extreme hunger strikes. Specially since this amount is not that much (or maybe it is, but like I said I have no idea what the right sort of diet it). 

So here's wishing myself luck and all the very best for my transition from fluffles to a Skinny binny. 

Marked Day 1

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